Saturday, January 11, 2020


But being an election year, and an important and entertaining one as well, I cannot resist the siren call. Its much too hard to resist. Never in my lifetime have I seen a campaign as animated by blind, rabid hatred as the campaigns of the various Democratic candidates in 2020. When they're not slamming President Trump personally, they're "taxing the rich", they're promising Free everything to everybody, And oh yeah, They despise the President. The "Impeachment" fiasco has blown up in their faces and continues to expose the unhinged hatred of the Left. The candidates themselves are attempting to distance themselves from this political stink bomb, but at almost every function, during every speech, Bernie Sanders will momentarily slip into a Tourettes'- like compulsion, snapping and sniping at The President. At this point in Mid January,2020, Joe Biden seems to be leading the pack and that's amazing. Aided and abetted by a compliant Press Corps, his multiple gaffes and memory lapses have largely escaped widespread notice. The Ideal of unbiased news sources has been abandoned, here in the 21st century the very idea is laughable. Every day, all over the world, various events happen. People sitting in offices that are often times far removed from the "real world" they're "reporting to" decide which events will be reported as "news". Oddly enough, if one follows a single news source one soon notices an over-arching narrative (We Hate President Trump) which informs much of what they'll call "news". The briefest perusal of Yahoo News demonstrates this point, but truth be told every "news source" is guilty of the same thing, yes, even Fox News. But to deny that most of what is called the "mainstream media" leans emphatically leftward is to deny that water is wet. In the real work-a-day world, President Trump's accomplishments are many and praiseworthy. The economy is buzzing along, raising all boats, without worrying signs of inflation. Wages are rising due to the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years across all demographics. Our military has been/is being rebuilt. Millions removed from the rolls of government dependency, Immigration control, NATO Allies finally paying up......The Democrats cannot run against this in lunch bucket America, so they're playing an ugly, divisive game of class-envy with a subtext of racism from a society awash in "white privilege. And yet its the left which actively embraces "Identity Politics" (indeed, at present a significant portion of the left are worried, nay, infuriated that all the Democratic Nominees are White folk.) The ONLY thing that unites the left is their hatred of President Trump. Will this be enough for them to rally around one candidate once the primaries have run their course? We shall see. Meanwhile President Trump will continue tweeting to the world, denying those who would do so the opportunity to misquote or misinterpret what he said. (NOTE: they do anyway). It is endlessly entertaining to read the President's tweets and to see the ensuing exploding heads on the left. And so, until next time......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have never really followed politics, my roommates do and they've sparked my interest. It REALLY does seem that the mainstream broadcast media has it out for him.
Have you been following the impeachment it on TV?